
All content on this website (documents, photos, illustrations, images and music or any combination of this content) owned by Lifenet Insurance Company (the company) is protected by copyright law. All other copyrighted material on this website not owned by the company is the property of the copyright owner.

Limits of Use

Users may download, print or use other methods to duplicate copyrighted material on this website provided it is only for personal use and not commercial exploitation. However, users are prohibited from sending the material using any means (including distribution via networks) to a third party for any purpose. This website does not grant users any rights (transfer, usage, duplication, distribution, modification etc.) to copyrighted material, patents, trademarks or other intellectual property contained herein.


This website may contain links to external websites and external websites may contain links to this website. The company takes no responsibility for the privacy of users of these external websites or for the websites' content. Please refer to the respective privacy policies and terms and conditions of use of external websites.

Recommended Browser

For a safer experience, the following browser is recommended for using this website.



  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.0 or higher
  • Firefox latest version
  • Chrome latest version



  • Firefox latest version
  • Chrome latest version


Without the recommended browser, it may not be possible to use all features of the website. It also may be changed due to regular review.