We have been operating based on the LIFENET Manifesto (hereinafter “the Manifesto”) of “Comprehensible, Cost-Competitive, Convenient” since starting business in 2008.
The Manifesto contains a strong desire to always act from the perspective of our customers without losing the sights of its original purpose – mutual support.
We believe that our business operation guided by the Manifesto will contribute to solving social issues for our customers and other stakeholders. We also think it will lead to the sustainable growth of our company and an improvement in our corporate value.
Based on the Manifesto, we have been working on enhancement of corporate governance, customer-oriented business conduct and adaption to social changes, and we aim to achieve a sustainable society and to improve our corporate value.
We have established the following as our guiding principles in the Manifesto: Being a “straight-shooter.” Committing to transparency. Communicating openly about our management team, our products, and our employees. Acting in good faith means always taking the high road when it comes to compliance and ethics. Under these guidelines, we are building highly transparent governance.
Our Mission is to help our customers embrace life more fully by offering comprehensible, cost-competitive and convenient products and services. Under the Mission, we have been working on ensuring transparency in management and strengthening the supervision and effectiveness of our management organization structure as a life insurance company with a strong social and public nature. Through these initiatives, we aim to strengthen and enhance corporate governance, and to achieve a sustainable improvement in our corporate value.
Please see Corporate Governance for a chart of our corporate governance system and details of the organization.
2008 |
Formed a Board of Directors with Outside Officers serving as a majority of all officers since starting business |
2011 |
Introduced an executive officer system |
2016 |
Established the discretionary Nomination and Compensation Committee with an Independent Outside Director serving as the chair and Independent Outside Directors comprising a majority of its members |
2017 |
Started evaluating the effectiveness of the Board of Directors |
2019 |
Introduced restricted stock compensation as officer compensation |
2021 |
-Transitioned from being a company with a board of corporate auditors to a company with an audit and supervisory committee -Introduced performance-linked compensation as officer compensation -Disclosed a skills matrix of Directors -Expanded evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors (Introduction of individual interviews) |
2022 |
Change in the transfer restriction period for the restricted stock compensation system for Directors |
- Nomination and Dismissal Policy of Officers
We have established a discretionary Nomination and Compensation Committee to strengthen the independence, objectivity and accountability of the functions of the Board of Directors concerning the nomination, dismissal, and compensation of officers. The Board of Directors enacts the nomination and dismissal policy of officers upon deliberations by the Nomination and Compensation Committee.
- Skills Matrix of Directors
We disclose the knowledge, experience and abilities of each Director in a skills matrix based on our business and management strategies. We are working to ensure the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.
Skills Matrix of Directors (129KB)
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors
We have been evaluating the effectiveness of the Board of Directors through a self-evaluation once a year in principle since fiscal 2016 to ensure the effectiveness and suitability of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors receives a report of the results and deliberates on it. Then it formulates an improvement plan to make its functions more enhanced. We also evaluate all aspects of the governance system, including the Audit and Supervisory Committee and the discretionary Nomination and Compensation Committee, in addition to the Board of Directors.
We distributed a questionnaire to all Directors and obtained their answers for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors in fiscal 2021. In addition, the Board of Directors Secretariat individually interviewed all the Directors based on the results of their answers in the questionnaire. The evaluation items on the questionnaire mainly covered the following: an overall evaluation of the Board of Directors, the composition of the Board of Directors, the operation of the Board of Directors, the quality of deliberations by the Board of Directors, communication between officers, information provision and training, engagement with investors and shareholders, management of the Audit and Supervisory Committee and the discretionary Nomination and Compensation Committee.
As the results of the evaluation, Board members were able to engage in appropriate discussions within a given time frame while implementing ongoing improvements including the revision of submitting standards to the Board of Directors in fiscal 2021. Some Directors pointed out that the Board of Directors should have more opportunities to discuss the mid-term or future management strategy and the Company should clarify the discussion points including the key issues at the prior internal discussion at the Board of Directors. The Company will therefore continue to consider improvements for the quantity and quality of discussions at the Board of Directors. In addition, other Directors stated opinions on the composition of the Board of Directors concerning the improvement of percentage of female directors and of Independent Outside Directors to further ensure diversity and strengthen the supervisory function. Moreover, regarding communication among internal and outside Directors, meetings for outside officers were organized in fiscal 2021 to provide opportunities for communication among Outside Directors.
Compensation of Directors
The compensation of Directors (excluding Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members and Outside Directors) is designed to give a sound incentive to increase our mid- to long-term performance and to enhance our corporate value as well as to further share value with our shareholders. It is comprised of base compensation (fixed), performance-linked compensation and restricted stock compensation.
We only pay base compensation (fixed) to Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members and Who Are Outside Directors.
The Board of Directors determines the amount of compensation for individual Directors upon deliberations by the discretionary Nomination and Compensation Committee. The amount is based on a third-party investigation on the compensation level of corporate executive managers in Japan in consideration of the work areas and range of responsibilities of each Director.
The ratio of fixed compensation, performance-linked compensation and restricted stock compensation for Directors (excluding Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members and Outside Directors) is roughly 6:1:3 so that it functions as a sound incentive. The amount of performance-linked compensation is determined according to the level of achievement of two indicators which are enacted at the Board of Directors : EEV per share as an indicator for the improvement in our corporate value and operating expenses per new business policy as an indicator for the efficiency of our sales activities.
Whistleblowing System
We have introduced a whistleblowing system to secure and increase social trust as a life insurance company through the early detection and rectification of illegal activities and protection of whistleblowers.
Not only our officers and employees but part-time and temporary workers can utilize the system. We protect anonymity unless we have the consent of the whistleblower. Furthermore, the safety of whistleblowers is ensured so that they are not subjected to disadvantageous handling by the company.
Risk Management System
We recognize that the establishment and development of risk management system are extremely important from the perspective of the soundness and suitability of operations as a life insurance company, and we have enacted internal rules for risk management. We have developed the system for the assessment and improvement of each risk through taking the initiatives on establishing internal organizational structures.Please see the Annual Report 2022 (Japanese version only): (2) Risk Management System on page 35 for details.
- Conflict of Interest Management Policy
We strive to manage conflict of interest transactions so that we do not harm the interests of our customers. We achieve this by our officers and employees complying with this policy.
Conflict of Interest Management Policy (Japanese version only)
- Basic Policy of Information Security
We recognize that ensuring information security is one of the most important issues for the smooth operation of life insurance online. We have been building a robust information security system to protect our information assets.
Basic policy of Information Security (Japanese version only)
- Asset Management Policy
We recognize that it is essential to manage insurance premiums which we received over a long time safely and reliably to pay insurance claims to our policyholders. We have established an asset management policy and have been managing the assets safely and reliably.
Asset Management Policy (Japanese version only)
We have also disclosed an overview of our asset management in the Annual Report 2022 (Japanese version only): 4. Indicators regarding Asset Management on page 73.
We have established the following in the Manifesto: Listening to what our customers are saying. Recognizing their needs and acting accordingly. Allowing our actions to be borne out of their voices and needs. Delivering the caliber of products and services that we would feel confident recommending to our own friends and families.
We promote customer-oriented business operation so that our customers can understand, accept and select the coverage they truly need in their lives.
Customer-Oriented Business Conduct Principles
We formulated customer-oriented business conduct principles in 2017 to further operate business from the customer’s point of view. Moreover, we periodically disclose the status of our initiatives under the Principles and the achievement indicators to promote even more specific efforts.
Announcement of the Results of Our Initiatives in fiscal 2021 for Our Customer-Oriented Business Conduct Principles (Japanese version only)
We have also disclosed in chronological order the content of communication with customers (e.g., the regular gatherings of policyholders and our response to customer questions and grievances) in the Annual Report 2022 (Japanese version only): 5. Communication with Customers on page 29.
Personal Information Protection Policy
We recognize that it is an important social responsibility as a company to appropriately handle the valuable information of our customers, and we have established a personal information protection policy. All our officers and employees comply with relevant laws and ordinances (e.g., laws and guidelines on the protection of personal information) so that we do our utmost to protect the personal information of our customers.Privacy Statement (Japanese version only)
Chapter 2 of the Manifest concerns our pursuit of comprehensible life insurance. Our products are specialized in pure protection with no surrender value. We provide simple and comprehensible coverage.

We also introduce the basic knowledge of life insurance, how to select insurance and the social security benefits so that our customers themselves can understand, accept and select the coverage which is suitable for themselves.
Tips on How to Choose Life Insurance! (Japanese version only)
Moreover, we have provided careful support with our customers with using the telephone and chat even though we offer our products and services online. We also pursue comprehensibility when customers claim insurance claims and benefits. We deliver the information on claims not only through our website, but through mail once a year, and support our customers firmly.
Chapter 3 of the Manifesto states our aim to make life insurance premiums affordable. We propose the necessary coverage to our customers with appropriate insurance premiums. We disclose the breakdown of life insurance premiums so that our customers can understand, accept and select products with being convinced.
Aiming for Complete Information Disclosure: Working on the Full Disclosure of the Additional Insurance Premium Rate (Japanese version only)
Lifenet is the only life insurer in Japan which disclose the breakdown of insurance premium.
We utilize the Internet in all points of contact with our customers, and we provide highly convenient services to them while reducing the use of paper resources .
We have developed an environment which enables customers to request insurance consultation, apply for insurance, undergo procedures during their contracts and claim benefits over the Internet according to their lifestyle 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Our products and services have been praised by our customers.
We ranked highest for two consecutive years in overall customer satisfaction, and also awarded top ratings in all factors – Interaction channel, Types of products, price and forms and documents. – in J.D. Power 2022 Japan Life Insurance Contract Customer Satisfaction Study<Direct Distribution Channel Segment> .
In addition, we have been awarded three stars in two categories for the ninth time, the most in the industry, in the HDI Benchmarking rating chosen by internationally certified professional evaluators and consumer volunteers.
Lifenet Ranked 1st for two consecutive years in J.D. Power 2022 Japan Life Insurance Contract Customer Satisfaction Study <Direct Distribution Channel Segment>
Lifenet’s Contact Center and Website Awarded 3 Stars in the HDI Benchmarking for the 9th Time, the Industry Record
We have established the following in the Manifesto: “Embracing diversity and dialogue to keep us abreast of changing needs and preferences. Delivering peace of mind that we’ll be around in 100 years.” We strive to provide products and services in line with the times, and we will aim for realizing a sustainable society as well as improving our mid- to long-term corporate value.
We aim to be an organization that promotes diversity and responds to change to provide products and services in line with the times to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers.
With the increasing demand from same-sex couples for life insurance companies to offer products to meet their needs, we expanded our range of designated beneficiaries of term-life insurance products in November 2015. Now we accept same-sex partners who meet specific criteria such as duration of cohabitation as the beneficiaries.Lifenet Expands Range of Designatable Beneficiaries
Website: Life Insurance for Your Partners (Japanese version only)
Job Applicants
In our recruitment policy, we have established “Inclusion Recruitment”, that is to face each personal individuality. Under this policy, we are working on the following three points.
(1) We provide periodic recruitment (new graduate recruitment) to everyone applicable under the age of 30.
(2) We are building the foundations so that LGBTQ and all other sexualities can work as they really are.
(3) We are creating an environment in which our employees can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest regardless of disabilities.We have also stated guiding principles in our Recruitment Manifesto concerning periodic recruitment.
Recruitment Policy (Japanese version only)
The Recruitment Manifesto (Japanese version only)
Based on our recruitment policy, Lifenet has employees with various backgrounds. Approximately 60% of our mid-career recruits come from other industries. We believe that we can providing products and services from the customer’s point of view through discussions by employees with diverse personal histories. We have disclosed our employee situation in the Annual Report 2022(Japanese version only): 3. Employee Situation on page 18.We are also training employees to respect diversity. We have introduced a mentor system and conduct one-on-one interviews to boost individual challenges and growth. In addition, we conduct an anonymous employee engagement survey four times a year. We measure engagement from the perspective of whether our employees can proactively engage in their work and whether they maintain a voluntary willingness to contribute to the organization. Furthermore, we have formed a Diversity Team across departments in our company. It is aiming to cultivate an organizational culture that accepts diverse values.
Recognition of Our Initiatives
We have been recognized for our LGBTQ initiatives. We have been awarded the highest rating of Gold in the PRIDE Index for the seventh consecutive year.
We are promoting initiatives to support work styles that match the lifestyles of our employees. We believe that the initiatives contribute to continually produce even better products and services from the customer’s point of view and to improve the productivity of our employees.
Our employees can take leave before and after childbirth and childcare leave. We have also introduced a special paid leave program for employees and their families to undergo treatment for illnesses. In addition, we introduced a working from home program even before the outbreak of COVID-19, and proactively allow employees to have multiple jobs.
Moreover, we have made the LIFENET INSURANCE Health Management Declaration (Japanese version only). Under the declaration, we are continuously promoting the initiatives to keep healthy both physically and mentally. In addition, we have introduced a personnel system to respond to social changes such as the need to support those who will undergo treatment while working even after being diagnosed with cancer. The system provides support for our employee who get cancer treatment while working, and we are making effort to develop a comfortable working environment.
We responded as quickly as possible to the spread of COVID-19. For customers, we established special website for COVID-19, and we also worked on reducing the burden of procedures on our policyholders. For our employees, we further promoted work-from-home, and also worked on keeping our usual customer services as much as possible.
Information related to COVID-19 (Japanese version only)
We collaborate with corporate partners that have a strong customer base and advanced brand power to deliver our new insurance value proposition to even more customers.
In the life insurance industry as well as other financial industries, we believe that shifting to online is structural and irreversible change. We recognize that we need to provide comprehensible and convenient products and services online in all processes involved in life insurance like search, consultation, enrollment, maintenance, review and claim. Therefore, we established a subsidiary in May 2021, and it started business in July. We are building an online life insurance platform to meet the expectations of our customers.