Lifenet has yet to determine its specific dividend policies and dates for the start of distributing retained earnings as dividends as we still record cumulative loss under Japanese GAAP and will be prioritizing strengthening our growth base to increase mid to long term profitability. In the future, we will continue to target business expansion and profit generation by implementing measures to increase recognition of the Company, developing new products and services, and effectively utilizing financing for investment in systems and other aspects of the business.

In addition to this, the Company will consider implementing measures to provide shareholder return that include payment of dividends from retained earnings in the future. Lifenet's Articles of Incorporation stipulates that a decision on the distribution of retained earnings as specified in each Item of Paragraph 1, Article 459 of the Companies Act can be made by a resolution of the Board of Directors, except as otherwise determined by law.

We have voluntarily adopted IFRS in its consolidated financial statements since fiscal 2023 ended March 31, 2024, however, distribution of retained earnings is based on non-consolidated financial statements in accordance with Japanese GAAP.