In order to continue strong growth while improving corporate value and addressing social issues, we formulated a new management policy in fiscal 2024.

We have formulated a new five-year medium-term plan with fiscal 2028 as the final year.
As priority areas for our growth strategy, we have identified "Tech & Services," "Rebranding," and "Embedded" as crucial for further advancing our individual insurance and group credit life insurance businesses and moving to the next stage of growth.
Furthermore, following the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in fiscal 2023, we have established "Comprehensive Equity" as a new management indicator linked to IFRS financial statements to represent our corporate value.
By focusing on initiatives in these priority areas, we aim to achieve comprehensive equity of 200 to 240 billion yen by fiscal 2028.
Priority areas (Business) |
Tech & Services ・Pursue customer convenience by utilizing IT services such as AI and Individual Number System*1 Rebranding ・Rebuild unique Lifenet brand aligned with current era and customer values Embedded ・Deliver insurance and services seamlessly with our partners |
Human resources strategy |
Promote organizational transition to focus on priority areas Create a virtuous cycle of employee growth and business growth Maintain and strengthen an organizational culture based on the LIFENET Manifesto |
*1:Individual Number System is a system in which all people living in Japan are given an individual identification number for the purpose of
improving convenience and others for citizens. It is also available online and you can apply to services online related to parenting by the
one-stop service and can receive notifications from administrative organizations.
Management goal |
Achieve Comprehensive Equity of 200 billion yen to 240 billion yen |
Financial target |
Stock price: 3,000 yen or more Annual growth rate of Comprehensive Equity per share: approximately 10% |
Non-financial target (Human capital) |
Overall: Continuous improvement in engagement score [Diversity] Achieve 30%+ ratio of women decision-makers*2 and 15%+ ratio of decision-makers under 30s [Growth opportunities] Continuous improvement in engagement score for growth |
*2: Decision-makers are directors and employees at the department head level and above.
Through our corporate activities based on Lifenet's manifesto of "Comprehensible, cost-competitive and convenient," we aim to provide new value in life insurance, solve our customers' problems related to life insurance, and ultimately realize “a society where next generation can be nurtured with confidence in the future”.
Leveraging our five unique strengths as an online life insurance provider, we have been operating not only individual insurance but also group credit life insurance since fiscal year 2023. To achieve further growth with these two businesses as our pillars, we will promote three priority areas in our mid-term plan and invest in human capital, the source of our business growth, thereby contributing to enhancing corporate value and realizing a sustainable society.